• An elegant metallic finish
• Ideal for broadwalls, picture
frames, mouldings and trims
• Water-based
• Quick-drying
Creates a rich and exotic
look, adding depth and
lustre to interior walls
and trims.
What to use
Spread Rate:
per litre
Clean with water
or Polycell brush
Why it’s the best
INTERIOR / Feature Walls
1. Apply
two coats
for desired effect to be evident.
2. Pearl and Metallic
paint have metal filings that sit at the bottom
of the container when not in use. Stir well with a flat paddle for
5 minutes before use. During painting,
stir every 30 minutes
ensure these metal particles are mixed into the paint.
3. Overlapping can be an issue with these paints because of the metal
filings and the glossy nature of these paints. It is suggested
off a wet edge
when doing these applications.
4. When brushing, strokes should be in a
single direction
- vertical,
diagonal and horizontal strokes each appear as different shades.
5. Start at the base of the wall rolling in an upwards direction
. Work
systematically and continuously move along and up the wall.
6. The application technique will affect the appearance of the paint.
The recommendation is to
practice on a small section
of the wall
before painting.
7. Avoid touch up areas
on broad-wall application.
8. Pearl and Metallic
paints can only be applied to smooth surfaces.
Add one part acrylic scumble Glaze
(GSL 1) to the metallic paint.
mentioned before, overlapping
metallic paints can be more obvious,
especially if you’re painting an entire
wall with metallic paint.
The paint retarder acrylic scumble
glaze will lengthen the drying time
of your metallic paint, giving you
a chance to smooth the lap lines
before the paint dries.